Finding Help
How to get help when you are homeless or at risk of being homeless
At risk of being made homeless? Just been
made homeless?
What do you do?
If you are actually and legally homeless Rugby Borough Council must help you. To make your homeless claim you need to get in touch with the local housing department first – the contact details for this are shown here.
There is more information on Rugby Borough Council’s website:
Housing Advice and Benefits Team - Communities and Homes
Email: housingsupportteam@rugby.gov.uk
Telephone: (01788) 533433
Out of office hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday), call their emergency number on (01788) 579706.
Rugby Town Hall, Evreux Way, Rugby. CV21 2RR
What does legally homeless mean?
The definition used by the government can be found by here.
If this is you then get in touch with Rugby Borough Council in the first instance. Once you are registered with them they may refer you to Hope4 in which case we will assess how we can help you.
If you find yourself in need of our services, please call the Centre to book an appointment or come along during our core hours of 10:30am-1:45pm, Monday to Friday. However, if a member of staff is not available you will be given an appointment and asked to return. Our phone has an answerphone which is checked daily.
We would aim to help you become housed and stay housed as well as assisting in many other areas. This is achievable by working together in partnership. With your cooperation we can make this work.
Other agencies who may be able to help are:
Concerned about someone sleeping rough?
Worried about someone who is over 18 and rough sleeping?
Please contact StreetLink.
Follow the link to report your concern and this will alert the local authority and/or outreach team who will follow up.
Worried about someone who is under 18 and rough sleeping?
Please call the police to alert them to a vulnerable child on the streets.